Saturday, September 26, 2015

I just remembered that I did not order prints from Kate’s birthday. I feel like such a “bad” mom because of that. Like everything many things happen and I forget, hence, get sidetracked. So I’m going to make sure to order the prints this coming week.  

Another thing that came across my mind in the evenings this past week was that I should not be having more than one drink a night. I usually end up groggy and slow in the morning. If you have a kid or a baby that definitely works against you making you regret the second or third drink. Children are so energetic in the morning whether or not they had a good sleep or not. This morning was alright but I still didn't want to wake up. It’s not like I’m not a morning person but I just wanted to savor the comfy bed a little longer. 

Anyways, I managed to wake myself up and got Kate to her Gymboree class (play & learn - level 3). She had fun but was clearly tired by the end.

We recently took a family vacation to Japan and I would love to share that here and posts so many cute pictures of Kate. Traveling is tiring but fun and it was sooooo worth it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Continuing to Blog

I want to start a blog just as a record keeping for what is happening in my life as well as share ideas, recipes, and activities that I do with my family. In ways to help me get my life in a sort of order - keeping track of things because so many times I’ve forgotten and let things slip by without caring. I need to care and I want to care. I see many families with beautiful pictures and videos they compile for memories and I want to strive to have something like that. I worked for 3 years after college got married and had Katherine (my first daughter). She is so rambunctious and happy. She is also a reason why I want to share my experiences as a first time mother with you all and hopefully we all learn something. Many events have occurred already - too many to recount but I will share stories of my pregnancy and L&D (labor and delivery) with you all along the way. Hopefully you enjoy reading this as much as I am pouring out my thoughts here.