Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's been a while ...

I've been busy with school work and also catching up on those dramas like gossip girl, 90210, house, etc. on hulu (i love that site!) I was originally at 13 units but since I've dropped my English class, theory and criticism, I'm not a full time student anymore but the biochem lab is pretty time consuming. Then again since I'm not an English major I really didn't see the point in learning theory and criticism. For the time I was there during lecture it felt like I was just there physically not mentally. In other words the topic did not interest me at all, in fact the theories that were brought up just confused me about what literature is and what it means to culture/society. blah. blah. blah. Seriously, I think literature should be appreciated in everyway i.e. critically, structurally, linguistically, emotionally, the list could go on. People enjoy literature differently and interpret it differently as well.

On a lighter note I found my "replacement" for some j crew items the vintage short roadster boot and also for the boyfriend blazer. I got the Kenneth Cole Hello Moto Boots and a navy blue blazer from BCBG factory store (it was missing a button and was on the sales rack for $40.)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for new purchases and J.Crew substitutions! I'm with you on being frustrated in having to learn about something that doesn't have anything to do with your interests/future pursuits. I was an English minor, though, so I adored literary criticism and theory, haha! Biochem sounds tough, though! A few of my friends took/are taking Biochem classes and AGH, they're always stressed!
